X Sweeper GPS Cellular Unblocked $2,649.00 |
The new X Sweeper is a nearfield receiver with a graphical display that displays the nearfield RF (analog only) in a spectrum format, allowing the user to rapidly observe all signals that are present, not just one single frequency at a time. Once a signal is received, the X Sweeper demodulates the FM audio through its built in speaker.
Xplorer Cellular Unblocked $1,229.00
The Xplorer sweeps the range of 30MHz to 2GHz (U.S. versions cellular blocked,analog only) in less than 1 second, automatically locking on any active FM analog frequency in the nearfield and demodulating the audio. The two-line LCD displays the frequency of the transmitted signal on one line. On the second line the display may be changed to indicate either decoding of any sub audible tones or codes (CTCSS, DCS, LTR or DTMF) or Signal Strength.
Scout $625.00 |
The Optoelectronics Scout Frequency Recorder is ideal for searching out and recording unknown frequencies. If you're serious about frequency finding look no further than the Scout. Armed with 400 memories the Scout is designed for portable operation. Take it anywhere, sporting events, the zoo, airports and more. The Scout captures and displays the strongest frequency in the nearfield that is 15dB above the background RF levels.
SR2200 $1600.00 |
The SR2200 is a black box wide band receiver intended for commercial / government applications. The frequency range is 25 MHz to 3 GHz. The receiver has no front panel, it is controlled by connection to a computer via an RS232 serial and USB rear panel connector
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